Thursday, June 25, 2009

ABT Day Nine

Amanda had a good day yesterday! She had her technique, pointe, and character classes! She was supposed to have her rep class today, but the teacher had an emergency, so instead she had a hair and make up class. She thought it was very useful, because not only did the teacher talk about performance hair and make-up, but also street make-up and what hair styles and cuts might be good for a dancer who is continually putting her hair in a bun.

Amanda also enjoyed her first character class! During one portion of the class, there was some partnering and she danced with the same guy that she does the pas de deux classes with--he is from Pittsburgh and a very good dancer.

In her second week, Amanda is getting to know the drill and has discovered on the 4th floor there is a box of "free" items that varies from day to day (of course some days there is nothing in the box). A couple of days ago, she came home with some Scrunchie hair products. Yesterday, she came home with a couple of very nice color photo ABT books (a couple of years old) with nice pictures of their current and former principal dancers and a couple of posters . It was interesting to see photos of Wes Chapman and Deidre Carberry when they were younger and dancing for ABT as they were two of the instructors at SERBA this year.
After Amanda got out of her classses today, we decided to try a restaurant called Wichcraft--it is a sandwich place and we were very intrigued by the clever name. We had a very nice time and it was enjoyable to try a new spot for dinner. It was raining yet again, but since the place is close to our apartment, we were able to go there and come back without getting totally soaked!

I didn't do too much yesterday--I did go to Whole Foods again and spend a little times in the Farmers' Market. You can a picture of a lady in the Farmers' Market demonstrating how to peel potatoes! Ijust had to put her in our blog.

Of course, we have to end the day relaxing, especially since we will be out late tomorrow night seeing Swan Lake! I hope you enjoy this picture of Amanda fixing her nightly cup of tea.
Have you are having a good day!
Beth and Amanda

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