Monday, June 22, 2009

Second Monday at ABT!

Well--it is hard to believe--we are already at the start of our second week in New York and Amanda's second week at ABT. Things are going well and we are starting to feel a little more familiar with the city! Sometimes we can even walk to where we are going without referring to a map--real progress I think!

The ABT students here can get tickets to the ABT ballets for $12, so is something that Amanda will definitely be taking advantage of! This Thursday, Ethan Steiffel and Paloma Herrera will be performing in Swan Lake, so Amanda will attend the show with a couple of her new ABT friends! I think I can figure out the subway route, without too much trouble--at least that is what I am hoping!
Yesterday we went to Pinkberry for some frozen yogurt--here you see Amanda enjoying a delectable treat! It was a fun place to go and a lot of the other dancers like to go here as well! I'm sure that we will be returning at some point! We hope that you are all well and we send you our best!
Amanda and Beth

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