Thursday, July 9, 2009

ABT Day Eighteen

Today we were able to sleep in a little, as Amanda didn't have to be at the ABT studios until 9:30. She had her technique class, in addition to pas de deux, rep, and choreography. She partnered with James again, and they seem to work well together. Thankfully today there were no pas de deux injuries!

The classes are busily working on the pieces they will be presenting in the final show and are now trying to decide what color leotards (either light blue or light green) and skirts will need to be ordered. Amanda seems to be looking forward to both dances--they should be a lot of fun!

I ventured out a couple of times today--once to the grocery store while Amanda was in class and a second time to Pinkberry, after Amanda was out of class for us to get some frozen yogurt. When I went out earlier in the day, I thought I would take a picture of Teddy Roosevelt's birthplace which is near our apartment. It is the building with the American flag out front!

My foot is feeling a little better each day, so decided that I could travel the eight or so blocks to Pinkberry. It was fun to go there and I'm sure we will try to visit again before we leave NYC.
We had a very relaxing evening with a little bit of "Friends" and then So You Think You Can Dance. It seems that the past three summers when Amanda has been at summer intensives, watching So You Think You Can Dance is a popular activity for the dancers. Last night was actually the first time we have watched the show since we have been here--it was fun to watch it, especially since one of the dancers performed on pointe.

Thanks for checking in with us--
Beth and Amanda

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