Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ABT Day Twenty-Six

Today the rain returned just in time for Amanda to go to her classes! Amanda had her technique class, pas de deux, choreography, and rep. The day ended at 4 pm today because tomorrow will be an early day that won't end until 6:30 pm. Tomorrow the dancers will have both a tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal at La Guardia High School.

While Amanda was in class, I went to a Yumiko leotard store here in New York City. A lot of the ABT girls like their leotards and since they have a store here that was offering 25% off their leotards I decided to visit there while Amanda was in class.
It was a nice store and in the process of visiting there, I saw a different part of NYC which was an added benefit.
After Amanda was done with her classes, we took a subway back to Times Square and decided to eat at John's Pizzeria again. It was fun and we had a very nice evening together.

Hope you had a good day-

Beth and Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Gee - did you see that in the picture? My van!! You would think we should be there! But not! Glad you are having a blast! Hope the feet are hanging in there! Love you!
