Monday, July 20, 2009

ABT Day Twenty-Five

Today was parent observation day at ABT! So, Amanda and I went into the studio together and I observed the morning technique class taught by Leslie Browne.

Initially, we went up four long flights of winding stairs to go up to Studio 9, where the class was supposed to be held. After we got to the studio and sat down, it was apparent in about 5 minutes that the schedule had changed and we went down to Studio 4 instead.

It was nice to be able to watch the class--the studio was quite large and it was great to be able to see the tall NYC buildings out the big windows! The building is older, but a wonderful facility and the architecture is quite pretty.

I met several of Amanda's friends, including her friend from Switzerland and her mother and sister. The students all have to wear nametags, so it was nice to be able to put names to faces and see the girls and boys that Amanda had mentioned to me during her time here.

After I observed the class, I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store and then home. For the rest of the day, Amanda and the rest of the ABT students did a run through of the dances they will be performing on Friday. It is hard to believe that in four days we will be done!

Amanda and I went back to Cosi and had a salad for dinner and after that enjoyed a relaxing evening of playing cards and watching Friends.

I've posted pictures of the Staten Island Ferry, and also ABT at the end of the day, as well as the building next door to the ABT studios.

Beth and Amanda

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