Monday, July 6, 2009

ABT Day Fifteen

After a nice three day weekend, it was time to get back to DANCING! Amanda left this morning to attend a Pilates class, followed by ballet technique, pointe, a variation class, and rep. Melissa Bowman taught both the ballet technique and pointe classes. Amanda really liked her and said she was one of her favorite teachers here! She was at the Washington DC audition, as she is head of the summer audition program, so probably many of Amanda's fellow dancers know who she is.

Amanda was also excited about having Leslie Browne again, only this time for a variation class. Actually, the variation was from Raymonda, so that was nice! It wasn't a role that Amanda had danced in Raymonda, but she was very familiar with the music and it was nice to dance a piece from that ballet! During the rep class, they worked on practicing their piece--Swanhilda's Friends which they will be performing during the final performance.
My day consisted of staying at the apartment with my foot elevated so I can get in better shape before we go to Lincoln Center on Wednesday. So, a lot of the pictures (except the first one of Amanda on her way to class) were taken previously as yesterday was a quiet day. We stayed at home for dinner and had a relaxing evening. It was nice to take it easy and enjoy each others' company.
We hope that you are well!
Beth and Amanda


  1. So very sorry for your injury! Hope you are better - hobbling is no fun - especially when you have such a graceful touring companion! Love you!

  2. Thanks--I appreciate your well wishes! Hope you are doing well!
